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51 Redchurch St
London, E2 7DJ
United Kingdom


Dragana Perisic bags make a powerful personal statement. They are crafted from materials - including a range of vegan options - carefully chosen for their beauty, durability and practicality for frequent use.

H Small Bag (Sage Green)

Dragana Perisic H Small Bag (Sage Green)
Dragana Perisic H Small Bag (Sage Green)
Dragana Perisic H Small Bag (Sage Green)
Dragana Perisic H Small Bag (Sage Green)
sold out

H Small Bag (Sage Green)


Made in luxury leather, it is an ideal companion for those special occasions with enough space to put your essentials.

Can be carried as a clutch bag and it can take you effortlessly through the day into night.

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  • Exterior made in leather

  • Fully lined interior, using 100% recycled cotton

  • Security zip inside

  • Easy to curry and lightweight

  • Mobile phone holder inside main compartment

  • Foldable and creates totally different look

  • W 30cm H 29cm D 4cm

  • Weight 280g

  • Handmade in London