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51 Redchurch St
London, E2 7DJ
United Kingdom


Dragana Perisic bags make a powerful personal statement. They are crafted from materials - including a range of vegan options - carefully chosen for their beauty, durability and practicality for frequent use.

Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)

Dragana Perisic Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)
Dragana Perisic Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)
Dragana Perisic Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)
Dragana Perisic Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)

Smart Large H Bag, All Leather (Black)


Dragana's smart version of the H bag, all made in leather, with 3 internal zipped pockets and one phone pocket. The inside leader gives more structure to the bag and looks great when pulled into half size.

This bag is ideal for everyday commuting and short weekend trips . The strap allows for it to be worn in a few different, stylish and practical ways, across the body or pulled down for a different size. When worn through the armhole, you get access to two pockets for the easy reach of your phone, passport or whatever is important to you. It's cleverly hidden from the thieves eyes.

All H bags can house any size laptop in a lower compartment secured with a zip.

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