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51 Redchurch St
London, E2 7DJ
United Kingdom


Dragana Perisic bags make a powerful personal statement. They are crafted from materials - including a range of vegan options - carefully chosen for their beauty, durability and practicality for frequent use.

Luke H Cycling Bag (Purple)

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Luke H Cycling Bag (Purple)


Made from waxed waterproof cotton, this durable bag is ideal for everyday and perfect for cycling. The strap is fully adjustable and removable, allowing for it to be worn in 4 different, stylish and practical ways.

Please see other Luke H bags for more photos

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  • Water Resistant

  • Adjustable Strap

  • Multipurpose

  • 4 Internal Pockets

  • W 8cm  H 46cm  L 51cm - Strap 77.5cm

  • 100% Waterproof Cotton

  • Lining 100% Cotton

  • Handmade in London