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51 Redchurch St
London, E2 7DJ
United Kingdom


Dragana Perisic bags make a powerful personal statement. They are crafted from materials - including a range of vegan options - carefully chosen for their beauty, durability and practicality for frequent use.

H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)

Dragana Perisic H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)
Dragana Perisic H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)
Dragana Perisic H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)
Dragana Perisic H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)
sold out

H Large Leather Bag (Burgundy)


Dragana's classic H bag, with 3 internal zipped pockets and one phone pocket.

Made from leather and recycled cotton, this bag is ideal for both toting your belongings around town and weekend escapes. The strap enables it to be worn in various stylish and practical ways across the body, and the top can be folded down for a more colourful look. When worn through the armhole, you can access two pockets that put your phone, passport or other essentials at your fingertips, while keeping them cleverly hidden from thieves’ prying eyes. H bags are spacious enough to hold laptops in the lower, zip-secured compartment.

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  • Multipurpose bag

  • 4 internal pockets

  • W 8cm H 46cm L 51cm - Strap 83cm

  • Exterior made in leather

  • Leather Strap

  • Upper Lining made of 100% recycled cotton

  • Inside lining 100% black cotton

  • Handmade in London